The Indigenous Youth Toolkit is here to help YOU feel better, and to overcome tough times – especially if things are hard.

Use the Toolkit on your own, or together with a friend or family member.

It’s super easy! All you need to do is download a copy of the Toolkit, and watch the videos below.

If you want us to MAIL you a copy of the Youth Toolkit, message us on Facebook or, with who you are and your address.

If your community doesn’t have strong enough Internet to watch the videos, let us know and we can send a USB Stick with the videos. If you don’t have a computer, try asking a local school or centre if they have a computer you can watch the videos on.

Indigenous Youth Toolkit Steps

What to Do:

  • Download the Youth Toolkit booklet, read through it.

  • Watch the videos BELOW.

  • Work through the activities, or just think about the things we talk about.

  • Reach out if you if you have any questions – we’re here to help.

  • That’s it!

Remember That You Are AMAZING!

Helping Yourself (Pages 1-12)

Helping Others (Pages 13-17)