Whether you are an Indigenous youth, community member, ally, organization or business, there are so many ways to help share hope, culture and strength.

Create a We Matter message!
It’s super easy and your story or message can help others. This can be done by creating a video, artwork (painting, drawing, comic), or written message (poem, rap, short story). Your message can reach someone else who needs to hear it, and when you choose to share your voice, others are encouraged to do the same.
Invite a National Ambassador of Hope to your school or community!
Ambassadors of Hope are Indigenous young people across the country who want to bring healing and change to their communities. They deliver Hope, Culture and Strength Sessions across schools and communities, sharing the message that it is okay and important to talk about hardship, hope and healing.
Meet the current Ambassadors of Hope and learn how to become one or invite one to do a presentation in your community!

Are you an Indigenous Youth?

Ask role models in your community to record and submit a We Matter message
Everyone has a story and we want to hear from your community. Record a message with someone you look up to, to remind youth that they are not alone, and no matter how hard life gets, there is always a way forward.

Take the #HopePact with friends, family, school, or community
Anyone can take the #HopePact directly on our website. Join thousands of others who have taken it, and request to receive a #HopePact bracelet.

Follow We Matter on social media
Follow We Matter on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and LIKE and SHARE our content to help reach as many people as we can. Use our hashtags #WeMatterCampaign #IndigenousYouthRise #StrongerTogether #Hope

Request materials, USBs, and resources for yourself or your community
We Matter has Toolkits, resources, and other materials that you can share within your community. Contact us and we can mail you materials at no cost! If your community doesn’t have good internet access, we can send you a USB stick which contains most of our We Matter videos

Become a National Ambassador of Hope!
Visit these pages to learn more about how you can become a changemaker and lead activities focused on hope, culture and strength within your own community and region!
Are you someone who wants to support Indigenous youth?